Sunday, 7 December 2014

One Year

Hello everyone,

It's been quite a while since I blogged! I've had such a hectic few months and have only just been able to settle into holiday mode (yes I am FINALLY on holidays! Wooooo!)

These past few months have been filled with assignments, assignments and more assignments. Oh and work! I ended up working throughout the 6 week radio survey period and had a blast doing it! The party afterwards was pretty cool also ;).

I then ended up being caught up in a gazillion assignments! Like they actually felt like they were never going to end haha. And then I fell behind due to having to go spend time with a sick relative. But I came back two weeks before the semester finished and knocked out 5 assignments and 3 radio shows in a week. Boom!

Anyways, its been a YEAR! Yes, a year, since I was The Edge apprentice. I can't believe how much has changed since I was the one trying to prove myself to get the job. I did the internship and met so many people and now I've been employed for 8 months and still am completely in love with my job.

My job is constantly exciting. I love meeting people, driving, talking, music and all of that thrown into a job is pretty epic. I wouldn't trade this job for anything... unless I were offered a few million dollars and a rich husband ;). Kidding! I'd still work in a job like this no matter what ha ha.

There's so much to say but there's so much to think about so I'll leave it here until I think of all.

Until next time,

Katie the Radio Girl x