Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Back into it...

So today is the day I returned to WINTEC after an ELEVEN WEEK break... I am now officially a SECOND YEAR STUDENT! (crazy aye!). Never thought I would get this far!

So much to organise and get sorted for Wintec! and many decisions that I have to make!

Trying to decide between Journalism and Public Relations as my major is the hard part! Both areas could take me into radio, but only one can take me to announcing - Journalism. I am not a huge writer, I prefer to talk - alot! but I know that Journalism is also one of the worst paid jobs out there and if I don't get into radio in the long run then I really don't want to settle for being an actual journalist... because I really do not want to pry into other peoples lives. Public Relations on the other hand could lead me into the world of promotions and event management, which I reckon is cool. I want to work in Public Relations at Disneyland if radio never happens... I have to pick which one to take soon and I feel like its one of those major decisions that you wish would decide itself. (HELP ME DECIDE PLEASE!)

First time in The Yak FM production studio - waaayyy back in 2012 :)

On a cooler note, I can't wait to do Broadcast Presentation in second semester... 15 more weeks to go! I cannot wait to do radio, loads and loads of radio! Kind of sad that the original Yak FM studio is getting knocked down but it'll be cool in the long run.

The Yak FM production studio... looking a little empty o.O

This is quite a short post today as I am still buzzing from seeing all my friends today for the first time in ages! I'm so pumped right now! I want to go to class NOW and learn and do assignments (I'll regret saying that later). But as the weeks go by I will fill y'all in on everything that's happening to this radio girl/student and hopefully I will make up my mind on everything soon!
Maurice... actively listening in Com1o1 :P... He is gunna kill me for this later!

Peace out!,

Katie x


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